Marx also had an uncanny gift of insight, and chronicled his premonitions throughout Das Kapital. In it, he saw the contradictions of capitalism: uncontrollable ‘market forces’ of fiat money and rigid, tyrannical laws based on fiat concepts of justice. An economy which prints money for the speculative rich and monetizes the debt of the poor. Privatised militaries destroying public facilities, and public bailouts of private institutions. Sustainable austerity based on unsustainable profit and growth. In short, Marx accurately predicted the proverbial fellatio that the lower class, the proletariat, would give endlessly to the owners of the means of production, the bourgeoisie, and a critical, empirical peek into the current state of affairs would reveal that things haven’t stopped sucking since. It was Marx’s job to tell the world to get off of its calloused, servile knees and start using the labour of the masses in an organized way that benefited everyone.
His observations would give rise to a wave of revolutionaries–Lenin, Trotsky, Luxemburg, Gramsci, DeLeon, Mao, Che, Tito, Chavez, and countless others–who would continue and lead the struggle towards tangible advancements in class warfare. The long road to victory for the proletariat has made ample gains and losses, but have unmistakably lifted many countries out of the darkness of imperialism. We celebrate those famous figureheads that put the class back into class struggle, and now that it’s back in session, it’s time to brush up on revolution. Grab your hammer and sickle, comrades. We have a future to build; one without gods or masters. Spare nothing to the bourgeoisie and their ambitions for world domination.YOU MIGHT LIKE THESE T-SHIRTS